Application deadline for 2nd quarter 2025 is March 1st 2025 at midnight
The Danish National Cryo-EM Facility
Aarhus Node
Small things can have a great impact
Images processed
About the Facility
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) allows for collection of high resolution data from a range of samples including protein molecules, macromolecular complexes or cells.. In 2018 a grant of 30.8 mio DKK (4.7 mio USD) was allocated EMBION from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science - funded from 2015 call of the Danish Roadmap for Research Infrastrucutures. EMBION is a new cryo-EM consortium between Danish Universities (AU host and KU co-host). The National Cryo-EM Facility at AU (iNANO) started up medio 2019 using existing electron microscopes and facilities. Based on the grant a new high-end electron microscope was purchased: a Titan Krios 300 keV transmission electron microscope with a Bioquantum/K3 detector setup and a Micro-ED system. Installation of the new Titan Krios (Krios2) microscope finished in Q4 2020 and user access to the new microscope started Q1 2021. The official inauguration of EMBION was 12th October 2020.
International users please submit applications though the iNEXT Discovery programme:
You cant innovate without the best scopes
Titan Krios G3i (300 keV)
967 Bioquantum energy filter
K3 detector
Ceta-D detector
Single tilt stage
EPU/Tomo5/EPU-D automated data collection software

Titan Krios 300 kV TEM
967 Bioquantum special energy filter with full spectroscopy
K2 Summit detector
Orius 4K detector
US4000 4K detector
Volta Phase Plate
Cs corrector
Double tilt stage
EPU/SerialEM automated data collection software

Aquilos 2 Cryo FIB
EasyLift Cryo
AutoTEM/MAPS 3/AMIRA software
Auto Slice and View 4 software
Integrated sputter coater and GIS system
CCD IR Camera
SE Detector (ET-SED)
ICE Detector
Beam deceleration function

Tecnai Spirit 120 kV TEM
TWIN lens
TemCam-F416 (4kx4k) TVIPS CMOS bottom mounted camera
Veleta (2kx2k) CCD side mounted camera
Leginon/Appion automated data collection pipeline

Versa 3D Focused Ion Beam SEM
Cryo-stage for cryo FIB-SEM
Auto Slice and View
High vacuum mode: Everhart-Thornley Detector (ETD)
ESEM(gaseous)mode: Low-vacuum Detector (LVSED) and Gaseous detector (GSED)
vCD, 4-segment backscattered electron detector (BSED)
IR camera, Integrated Infra-Red inspection camera

Nova NanoSEM
EDAX EDS system, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
SED, Everhart Thornley secondary electron detector.
TLD-SE, in-lens secondary electron detector.
SS-BSED is a solid-state backscattered electron detector.
UHR low vacuum SED (Helix detector)
Low vacuum solid-state BSED (GAD)
IR camera, Integrated Infra-Red inspection camera

With the embion portal you are able to track your data live from any location no matter what you process your data with. Applications for scope time also goes through the portal for an easy and collaborative workflow.
Meet the Team
Teamwork makes the dream work

Thomas Vosegaard
iNANO Director

Poul Nissen
EMBION Director

Thomas Boesen
Cryo-EM Facility Manager

Jesper L. Karlsen
Scientific Computing Specialist

Ramon Liebrechts
EM Technical Manager

Pia B. Jensen
EMlab Manager

Andreas Boeggild
Senior Applications Specialist

Taner Drace
Applications Specialist

Josephine C. Ward
Applications Specialist

Jonathan Søholm-Boesen
Super genius developer
Research at this level is not possible without funding